
Legal Disclaimer and DMCA
Legal Disclaimer

Myanimehunter.blogspot.com doesn't host any content, and it holds no rights/ownership/copyright to any video posted, neither do any of its authors.

All myanimehunter.blogspot.com does is link/embed content that was uploaded to other online Video hosting sites sucg as Youtube.com, Veoh.com, Megavideo.com,Google Video,etc.. All youtube/veoh/megavideo/googlevideo users signed a contract with the sites when they set up their accounts which forces them not to upload illegal content. For copyright issues please take it up with the host site. By clicking on any Links to videos on myanimehunter.blogspot.com you are watching content hosted on third parties and myanimehunter.blogspot.com can not take any responsibility for any content hosted on other sites.

DMCA Notice of Copyright Infringement

If you are the copyright owner of content which appears on the myanimehunter.blogspot.com website and you did not authorize the use of the content please contact the site that hosts the material.